So Much

So Much

There is so much
to tell you honey
So much love
coming your way
When times seem
The worst
remember the future
has yet to happen
and life take many
twist and turns
So much love
coming your way
There is so much
to tell you honey
Inside you is beauty
no words to describe
So much to tell you honey
So much love
inside you
So much love
coming your way

Dewey Dirks


Good Words

Four Sages

Late one night
four wise shaman
by the glowing embers
of their campfire
all around them
the tall swaying grass
of a great plain.

One of them
looked up
at the great sea of stars
in the deep night sky
He said, “There I see
huge furnaces
of brilliant
glowing gas
scatted across
billions of miles
of void space
The secrets they hold
promise to unlock
deep wisdom”

Soon another sage
looked high up and said,
“There I see
billions of dreams
left in the sky
by all the creatures
of all the worlds ages”

The third sage
gazed at the sky and said,
“There I see the great
kings and queens
of the past and present
singing the lights of
a billion truths
so that all might hear.”

The fourth wise man
took his turn looking
high into the sky and said,
“I really don’t know what
they might be but it is good
to touch them
with my soul,
my heart and my mind”

Then the four wise men
passed around
a hot cup of broth to share.
They sat in silence
with the kind hint of a smile
for each other
because they all knew
it was they four who sat
at the fire
because it was they four
who knew what each of them
had said
carried equal portions of wisdom.

Dewey Dirks copyright 2011


One Single Thing

Twenty-five hundred years ago
Lao Tzu wrote of Tao
He said that all the world
was one single system
one single thing

Here in the twenty-first century
our science teaches us the Earth
is a single biosystem
of thousand of interrelated parts
One single system
one single thing

My friends
look at the Earths biosystem—-
The lives of species everywhere
affect the well being
of other species
Thousands of interrelated parts
one single system
one single thing

Like a coral with thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a colony
to make a single creature
Earths living biosystems
are thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a self sustaining
forever evolving colony
to create
one single system
one single thing

If the Earth isn’t itself alive
it certainly has a lot of parts that are….
One single system
one single thing

The Earth is alive
and we are a part of that life
The Earth is our mother
One single system
one single thing
Personally, I think
all of Earths religions
all of our science
all of our conceptions of Gods
have been efforts to perceive
and understand the life,
the biosystem
that we all are a part of
All equal in their
different conceptions of
one single system
one single thing

I would imagine
Like any living thing
She cares very deeply
for all of her parts

Dewey Dirks copyright 2011

Figure It Out

Figure it out

Figure it out
people of Earth.

Don’t spend your time
trying to figure out
if there’s Gods or not.
Don’t spend your time
trying to guess
what is on Gods mind.
Don’t spend your time
thinking Gods
are going
to figure it out for you
if you just pray hard enough.

You are a human
your time is best spent
figuring out how to get along
with your fellow humans
and figuring out
what you can do
to help humanity
climb out of this
environmental, economic
and sociopolitical
ditch we’ve dug for ourselves.

We dug it together
for ourselves.
Now we  can climb out of it
together for ourselves.

We have to
figure it out
together people of Earth
the buck stops with us.


Dewey Dirks  copyright 2011


Christians you need
to get a clue!
are not
going anyplace
anytime soon

Muslims, wake up!
are not
going to go away
anytime soon

Hindus get a clue!
Muslims and Christians
are going to be around
as long as you

who prefer science
wake up!
Religions have been
around a long, long time
they are not
going to go away
anytime soon

Religions of the world
Get a clue!
Science is here to stay
it ain’t gonna disappear
just for you

The whole bunch
of you have been
bickering and fighting
for hundreds of years
Seems like you’d all get a clue
after this amount of time
none of you are going away
anytime soon

You all have a clear choice—
You can continue to fight
and bring down
our whole civilization
sooner or later
Or you can do what’s
intelligent and wise
and learn
to live with each other
The choice is
up to you.

Dewey Dirks copyright 2011

Horses, Dogs and Hope

Horses, Dogs, and Hope
(For Sally)

Last night I was talking
to my friend pretty Arila
She said, “I am a bartender
boobs, beer and fast talk
are my job.
I’m a blond and I pretend
to be dumb because
no one expects much more.
What I really like are
horses and my dog.
I wanted to be an artist once
but my dad said I couldn’t
make any money that way
so I left all that behind.”

I took a sip
of my drink and said,
“You are as bright
as the morning sun Arila.
I know a sharp cookie
when I see one.
Horses, dogs and hope
are in your eyes Arila
Horses dogs and hope
are what beat in your heart.
They sleep with you
in your dreams at night
and will help you though
the longest days ahead.”

I said, “You remind
me very much
of a good friend of mine
who died just last year.
Lenny said for years and years
she wanted to be an artist
but her dad told her
not to do that sort of thing
and so she became an nurse instead.
She told me in the last days of her life
her biggest regret was only
that she never became an artist
but listened instead
to what her father had said.

Listen Arila,
it’s true art is a hard, hard life
many give up before they are done
and many remain starving artists
to the end of their days.
You’re already having a hard time
making ends meet.
You might as well
have a hard time making ends meet
while you’re doing
something that you love.
Keep your day job
to help you put food on the table
but when you go home at night
sit and draw
a thing or two at your table.
With your dog by your side
put an easel by your bed.

People don’t have dreams Arila
unless they are the kind
worth making come true.
It’s not how far you get
down a road in life
but only what roads you travel
and who you meet along the way.
The journey to where you want to go
is always worth more,
than the destination my friend

Artists are never really alone
and always have
a few friends around them.
Artists end up marrying their art
and never are very lonely
with an easel by their bed.

Horses, dogs and hope
are in your eyes Arila.
Horses dogs and hope
are what beat in your heart.
Horses, dogs and hope
sleep every night with you.
Horses, dogs and hope
will help you though
the longest days ahead.

Dewey Dirks copyright 2011